Nurtumil Follow On Formula Powder 400gm
-Vitamin D, Nucleotides, Iron
-400 gm
-6 months to 1 year babies
-Follow-on formula especially for babies aged 6 months to 1 year. Contains Vitamin D, Nucleotides, and Iron, helping babies in physical and mental growth.

The Nurtumil Follow-on Formula (Stage 2) Milk powder 400 gm is especially designed for babies aged 6 months to 1 year. It contains essential minerals and vitamins, such as Vitamin D, Nucleotides, Iron, that promote healthy physical and mental growth in babies. The Nurtumil Follow-on Formula (Stage 2) Milk powder can be administered in babies over 1 year6 months of age; however, it is not a substitute for breastmilk. This milk contains Vitamin D, which helps make bones stronger and prevents bone injuries. Moreover, it also prevents babies from developing childhood and adult bone diseases, such as rickets. Iron in the Nurtumil Follow-on Formula Milk powder promotes the formation of blood (hemoglobin), which makes blood circulation better and promotes physical as well as neurological development during infancy and early childhood. Nucleotides play a significant role in strengthening babies’ immune response to various diseases and enhance gut repair and differentiation. This is a complete nutritional formula for babies that helps them grow stronger and healthier.
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